INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92-317-4441155 | +92-21-35123214
All SOPs to be followed strictly

Dated: Wednesday, January 19, 2022

CR # 34 SOPs


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Dear Parents,

As it has been noticed that there has been a rise in COVID cases again, we would like your cooperation in keeping everyone safe.

All SOPs to be followed strictly are:

Temperature Checks: Checks will be conducted at the entrance for students & staff. Any individual observed to have above the normal temperature of 98.6° F will be isolated & sent home. A PCR test may also be advised and the school must be intimated about the result before their return.

Symptoms: Any individual displaying any symptoms such as cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath etc. will be sent home.

No Mask, No Entry: This policy will be strictly enforced for all students and staff that are present in the school.

Social Distancing: Classroom seating arrangements will be demarcated to ensure social distancing is adhered to as the class strength has been halved. Students may only sit in their allocated seats.

Safety Packs: Students are required to bring their safety packs to school which includes a pocket-sized hand sanitiser, two extra face masks, and tissues.

Stationery & Books: Students are not permitted to share their stationery or exercise books.

Decontamination & Disinfection: The school will ensure that all classrooms and surfaces are disinfected & decontaminated daily. High usage areas & touch surfaces such as toilets, doorknobs, and switchboards will be disinfected throughout the day.

Regular Hand Washing: Students will be encouraged to wash their hands frequently especially before and after snack time.

Home time Routine: Only one adult per child is allowed inside school premises at home time. Adults will not be allowed past the designated area and will have to wear a mask at all times.

We pray for a safe and secure return to school.


Students are advised to bring their own water bottles from home.

HFS Management