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Dated: Monday, April 8, 2019

Hfs Primary celebrated a Cultural Day to honour the country on 23rd March ‘Pakistan Day’, refresh the memories of the great leaders and to showcase the beauty of the magnificent Pakistani civilization.

Pakistani culture originates from an Islamic way of life. It is one of the richest and vibrant cultures in the world. The diversity and the amazing blend of traditions makes it unique. Pakistani society is a mixture of distinct provincial areas and tribes comprising Sindh, Punjab Khyber Pakhtun Khwa and Baluchistan.

Pakistani society is multilingual and multicultural. Despite the different languages, every Pakistani is bonded with love and brotherhood. As a nation, it propagates unity, faith and discipline. The culture of Pakistan showcases fairs and festivals. These days as locals call them are held in different parts of the country.

Pakistan has created a niche in the international market for handicrafts. Pakistanis are great enthusiasts of sports and games. Pakistani culture also displays a variety of regional dresses. These dresses are very attractive and colorful. Pakistani cuisine is one of the tastiest in the world. No one can resist the eatables whether it is Sajji from Quetta or chapli kabab from Peshawar, biryani from Sindh or saag from Punjab.

The cultural day was a prominent platform to portray these very priceless customs and traditions. This celevation was lined up with patriotic and passionate activities.

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