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Dated: Tuesday, May 14, 2013

9th Rabi-Ul-Awwal 1433 (2nd February 2012)

A sunny day with creativity in the air, the students of classes 4, 5 and 6 gave brilliant performances in the Inter-Class English Story-Telling Competition held on 30 January 2012. The competition was organized by the HFS English Department headed by Ms. Naheed Naseem. It took place in the assembly area where the participants presented their stories in the most interesting manner. Some of the students had made extra efforts and were dressed up as the characters in their stories while some narrated their stories very well with voice imitations, expressions and pictures. Some of them even told the whole story in the form of role-plays. Overall it was a great effort by our students, big thumbs up for them! Here is a list of all the young winners:

1st Position

  • Sundus Fatima – Class 5A
  • Aiman Kareem and Hafsa Naseem – Class 6A


2nd Position

  • Abdullah Ayub, Hammad Ali Khan and Omer Saad – Class 4B
  • Areeba Yousufi and Maryam Rasheed – Class 5A
  • Hamdah Aqil, Maryam Masood and Usra Kaleem – Class 6A


3rd Position

  • Saira Jawaid – Class 4A
  • Ilsa Asif and Rabia Imran – Class 5A
  • Bushra Usmani, Hadiya Anwar, Humaira Saeed and Madiha – Class 6A