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Dated: Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Show and tell activity is an important activity for preschool children to develop their communication skills, listening skills, enhance their social skills and help to improve their self esteem which can facilitate the development of a healthier self concept and self confidence in them.

 Junior Montessori conducted the Joy with Toy show and tell activity where children brought their favourite toys .

First they introduced themselves by telling their name and then described about their toys in one or two sentences with the help of the teacher. After show and tell activity, children shared their toys with each other and were very excited and happy while playing with them.

Here integrating Islamic values, we gave children an awareness about choosing toy which should be according to Islamic teaching. Some of the children brought the toys which were against Islamic norms and values, teacher told them about Islamic teachings regarding musical toys and covering pictures by practicing it on the toys, like covering the face of the dolls and stuffed animals etc.

These values play an important role in up bringing strong , healthy and confident Muslims.

Hence the show and tell activity went smoothly and children, joyfully participated showed their eagerness towards this activity and also learned about Islamic values regarding playing objects and the ethics of sharing.