INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92-317-4441155 | +92-21-35123214

Dated: Saturday, February 19, 2022

Girls Campus CR # 45

Assalam – O – Alaikum!

 Dear Parents,

Date: February 19, 2022

Please note that HFS has rescheduled for students to go on an excursion to PAF Museum, the days will be as follow:

Group A: 28th February 2022, Monday

Group B: 1st March 2022, Tuesday

If you have not registered and would like to send your child, please fill the following permission slip along with RS. 700/- for the trip.

HFS Management

Permission slip

I ______________ allow my child, ________________of Grade I / II section: _______ to go on the school trip.

Parent signature______________________________

Note: Kindly keep your child at home on day of the trip if he/she is not allowed to go on the field trip.

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