INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92-317-4441155 | +92-21-35123214


  • The school places special emphasis on character formation. Parents and guardians are accordingly required to extend their fullest co-operation.
  • Reports are issued after each examination as feedback for parents /guardians. Further Information may be obtained by Principal/Head Teachers on request.
  • Failing twice results in removal from school.
  • A student must attain 80% attendance during the session. Failure to do so debars him from taking the annual examination.
  • The intended withdrawal of a student is to be notified in writing by parents /guardians one clear calendar month in advance. in lieu whereof, one month’s fee is levied.
  • No school leaving certificate will be issued till the school dues are cleared in full.
  • If a student remaining absent for 10 days without sanctioned leave shall be removed from the school.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual disobedience, objectionable behavior, disorderly or unseemly conduct shall justify removal from school rolls.
  • If a pupil was absent owing to illness, a note from his parents/guardians testifying to the fact must be given along with the medical certificate on resumption and incase of long/serious illness intimation of it should be provided in the interim.
  • Any kind of damage to the premises or any school property will have to be made good.
  • The school is not responsible for any article mislaid or lost by student or misshape in the school. Students must look after themselves and their belongings.
  • No student is allowed to leave the school premises during school hours without prior written permission of the principal/Head Teachers.
  • Students should come to school in neat and clean uniform.
  • The principal’s decision is final and binding on students and parents in all- Academics, non-Academics and disciplinary matters.
  • A student is automatically withdrawn if his tuition fee is not paid for two months. Such student wishing to rejoin the school will be required to pay all the admission charges again.
  • A student will only be considered for re-admission if he/she has cleared all his/her previous outstanding dues, subject to vacancy.

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