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Sno Teacher Name Assignment SoftCopy Download
01 Sir Adnan Usmani Class IV to O’Level Computer Study [download label=”DOWNLOAD”][/download]
02 Sir Ashraf Khan Class IV to O’Level [download label=”DOWNLOAD”][/download]
03 Sir Imran Sheikh Class IV to O’Level [download label=”DOWNLOAD”][/download]
04 Sir Kamran Mehboob Class IV to O’Level [download label=”DOWNLOAD”][/download]
05 Sir Muhammad Ajmal Class IV to O’Level [download label=”DOWNLOAD”][/download]
06 Sir Noman Rasheed Class IV to O’Level [download label=”DOWNLOAD”][/download]
07 Sir Raja Owais Class IV to O’Level [download label=”DOWNLOAD”][/download]
08 Sir Asad Ahmed Class IV to O’Level [download label=”DOWNLOAD”][/download]

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