[rev_slider VOICEOFHFS]
[column width=”1/2″ place=”first” ][notice title=”Director’s Message”]This is a example of style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information. Adipiscing elit. Cras eu nisl quam. Cras in elit a massa fermentum bibendum.[/notice][/column][column width=”1/2″ place=”last”][notice title=”Principal’s Notes”]This is a example of style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information. Adipiscing elit. Cras eu nisl quam. Cras in elit a massa fermentum bibendum.[/notice][/column]
[notice title=”OVERVIEW”]
Voice of HFS, a school magazine, launched from the platform of Hira Foundation School is an amalgamation of educational dynamism and literary contributions of Hfs students, staff and management. It represents a consolidated view of intra and inter school efforts expended to portray its multi-dimensional image.
A visionary magazine with valuable compilations and contributions stands apart from its contemporaries in academic insight, inspiration and ingenuity. It lends a voice and view to HFS activities, events, student work, teacher contributions, projects, educational programs and latest news.
Voice of HFS projects, promotes and propagates the invaluable experience plus expertise accumulated over a decade of institutional success. It speaks about what makes HFS so unique with its Islamic and contemporary set up with definite quality production.
It covers the inter-campus functioning and the facilities of Hfs with a fervour – the accomplishments of the students, the organization of events, the dedication of the teachers, the leading of the management, the creativity in the endeavours and the setting of new benchmarks in learning. It captures the memorable moments and collects these for its readers.
This magazine is defined by the unity of action and designed by the finest of expertise. It presents HFS involvement in all curricular and co-curricular arenas. It serves as a beacon of light to enlighten with the integrated teachings of the Quran and Sunnah laying firm foundations of educational, moral and social values.
Voice of HFS is the voice of every student and incumbent of this establishment – it unequivocally shapes and states the school happenings to heighten the readers’ interest in every way possible.
An inspirational voice:
One School – One Voice – Hfs!
- Mid Term Examination Session 2024-25
- HFS Pre School (Grade JM) has arranged an annual visit for students to Elixir Zoo
- HFS brings an opportunity to participate in the Math’s Challenge which is Pakistan’s Biggest online Math’s Challenge for this year for Grades I till O Level.
- PTM for ALL grades will be held on Saturday, 2nd November, 2024 between 9:00 – 12:00
- Grades O-lll & A-Level has been arranged to the Farm House (Star King/Gaddap)