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Dated: Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Dental Visit – SL 2. 

Grade : SL.ll Theme:

Professions Activity: Visit to dental clinic

By: Ms.Salma Tabassum

Aim: It’s very important to develop healthy habits to care for teeth while kids are young. These healthy habits help them throughout their entire lives.

To have a class visit is not only a wonderful community activity ,it’s also an immense goodwill for the practice too.


According to professions theme SL.ll arranged a visit to dental clinic .All the students went to the dental clinic in queue under the supervision of teachers.

First, the dentist gave them demonstration about brushing teeth with the help of a chart .After that all students visited the clinic and saw all commonly used instruments by the dentist. Then dentist checked some students teeth and showed their teeth cavities on the screen. Students were shocked to see the big picture of their teeth on screen.

At the departure time, a small toothpaste was given to each child.


All students were motivated to brush their teeth twice a day and take care of dental hygiene.

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