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International School Award Winner 2019-22

Dated: Thursday, December 12, 2019

Hira Foundation School was declared International School Award Winner 2019-22. The prestigious award ceremony was conducted on British Council’s prestigious platform in Marriott on Wednesday, 11th December, 2019.

Hira Foundation School entered the top level of accreditation of the British Council after  a rigorous assessment. It accomplished this celebrated feat with a strong display of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) integrated in its creatively designed curriculum.

The school’s visionary leader Dr M Imran Ashraf Usmani showed a deep commitment to embed international awareness and understanding throughout the school with ascension of the well planned and executed activities in preschool, elementary, primary and senior grade levels. The international coordinators of the school formed national and international partnerships for the connecting classrooms with a cross and wider sharing with an outstanding action plan.

Hira Foundation School was successfully able to progress with a firm resolution and tenacity to win this internationally renowned International School Award 2019-22. This is a matter of high honour and prestige with the ruling top position and the best educational system in the world.

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