" " Magnets (Hidden Treasure Activity) | Hira Foundation School
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Dated: Thursday, October 19, 2017

Grade: II

[notice] Topic: Magnets (Hidden Treasure Activity) [/notice]

Separating magnetic and non magnetic material is one of the most interesting activities that can be experienced by students investigating the principles of separation of materials.

What did the students do?

Students were asked to bring different shapes and sizes of magnets, sand and paper plates. They were divided into groups for them to be able to learn about caring and sharing with others which is necessary for developing social and team work skills.

How did the activity go?

Students were excited to perform the activity with the material they had brought, they followed the instructions, tried to count the number of common pins hidden in the sand in their plates before using magnets. Then with the help of magnets, they separated the common pins and sand.

(Some students had also brought compasses to find the directions and magnetic toys)

They learned and enjoyed this activity Alhamdulillah

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