INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92 21-35040933 / 35123221 / 35123007

Dated: Saturday, August 11, 2018

Dear Parents,

Date: August 7, 2018

In the new academic year 2018-19, Advanced and Basic Arabic streams have been introduced. Your daughter has been placed in the Basic Stream due to the following reason(s):

➡ new admission / coming from the hifz section
➡ doesn’t possess the required Arabic academic score
➡ parent’s wish

Kindly note that the students placed in the basic stream will be taught with a focus on spoken Arabic, hence they will not be appearing for Arabic in their O’ levels.

This decision has been taken for their better academic future inshallah.

I, ……………………………….., agree that my daughter will study the selected Arabic stream and appear in the subject likewise.

Student Name:
Parent’s signature:

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