INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92-317-4441155 | +92-21-35123214

Dated: Thursday, March 21, 2019

Girls Campus  CR # 76

Dear Parents,
Date: March 19, 2019

The festival time of the year has arrived once again. HFS has decided to treat everyone to a CARNIVAL on Saturday 6th April, 2019 between 9:00am – 3:00pm.

Entry charges Rs 20/-

It’s OPEN for all ladies/children to come and entertain themselves within the premises of HFS Girls Campus. HFS has always arranged such recreational activities which are as important for relaxation and refreshment with the regimental school routine.

Carnival will be an exciting event for everyone with delicious food, beautiful clothing, exquisite accessories, handmade items and fun filled games!

Registrations for stall booking are open till Monday, 25th March. Reservation cost per table is Rs 3000 (2500 nonrefundable+ 500 refundable). Anyone can book a stall. However, ladies, school staff and students are allowed to be stall managers only. Sold items at stalls can comprise mainly food, clothing, accessories and games among other variety.

NOTE: HFS reserves the right of holding any stall for changing the stall items.

For further details contact:

HFS Event Coordinator: Ms. Mariyum Akif   Contact # 03322220790

(Note: Outsiders are also allowed to book a stall)

Stall Reserve’s Name
Contact #
No. of Tables Table # (For Office Use only)
Stall Item(s)

Stall Reserve’s Receipt

Table # Amount Received
Balance (if any)
Event Coordinator’s signature
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