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Announce the launch of the Remedial Program

Dated: Monday, August 26, 2019

Girls Campus CR # 10 Dear Parents,  Date: August 24, 2019 Hfs Elementary is pleased to announce the launch of the Remedial Program in the core subjects English, Math. Individual attention is one of the primary objectives.  This is to lend a helping hand, provide an avenue of reinforcement and skill building to all the students who […]

Eid Milan Party has been organized

Dated: Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Girls Campus   CR # 9 Dear Parents,                                                                               Date: August 20, 2019 An Eid Milan Party has been organized for students during regular school timings as follows: Grade Day I – O-III       ( Elementary, Primary and Senior) Thursday – 22th August, 2019 JM – SL II   (Pre-School) Saturday – 24th August, 2019 Students are to come in comfortable Eid clothes. Hair […]

JM, SL1 & SL2 will be OFF EARLY on Saturday, 27th

Girls Campus  CR # 90 Dear Parents,                                                                                            Date: April 25, 2019 This is to inform that JM, SL1 & SL2 will be OFF EARLY on Saturday, 27th April at 11:00am. Kindly have your child picked up on the the aforementioned timing. HFS Management 

ICATS Science & IT Contests

Girls Campus   CR # 4 Dear Parents,                                                                                                 Date: August 5, 2019 This is to notify that Hfs has registered for the ICATS Science & IT Contests. Students from Grades I till OII can participate in these two scholastic contests.       Students should be encouraged to participate and prove their prowess in such contests. Certainly, this […]

Independence day on 7th August

Girls Campus   CR # 6 Dear Parents,                                                                                                Date: August 6, 2019 HFS Pre School will celebrate Independence day on 7thAugust, 2019.                                                   Regular school timings will be followed. Students need to come in green and white national dress and bring a small flag. Pakistan Zindabad!

Child’s status in Grades 2 Hifz and Non-Hifz

Girls Campus   CR # 2 Dear Mothers,                                                                                                 Date: July 23, 2019 This is to confirm your child’s status in Grades  2 Hifz and Non-Hifz sections.  Student Name:  Father Name:  Grade: Kindly tick ✅ one of the sections below. Hifz section ◻ Non-Hifz section ◻ Note: Students (grade 1 & 2) will NOT be allowed […]

CAIE results 2019

Girls Campus   CR # 8 Dear Parents,                                                                                     Date: August 8, 2019 This is to intimate information of importance that CAIE results 2019 will be announced on Tuesday, 13th August by the British Council.  Students are required to come to school between 11:30am and 1:00pm to collect their provisional results. They need to bring their […]

Intimate certain pointers to adhere

Girls Campus   CR # 3 Dear Mothers,                                                                                                 Date: July 25, 2019 A warm welcome to you all!  This is to intimate certain pointers to adhere to for Grades 1 & 2 in this new academic session 2019-20. 1) Lunch boxes with home made snacks and water bottles need to be sent as students will […]

Organize Hajj activity

Girls Campus   CR # 7 Dear Parents,                                                                                                Date: August 8, 2019 HFS Elementary section will organize Hajj activity on Thursday, 21st  August. Students need to come in uniform and bring ahram if possible also bring a meal, cooked with the meat of sacrificial animal, for lunch alongwith tetra pack juice.