INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92-317-4441155 | +92-21-35123214

Dated: Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Girls Campus CR # 47

Assalam – O – Alaikum!

Date: February 22, 2022

Dear Parents,
As per Government directives, COVID vaccination is mandatory for children above 12. You are hereby informed that Government Medical Team will be visiting the school in the coming week for the vaccination campaign.

If the vaccination has already been done, kindly submit a copy of the Vaccination Card to the respective Class Teacher positively by tomorrow, 23.02.22, Wednesday.


  • Also submit the copy if the first dose has been done.
  • Date of the vaccination campaign will be announced soon.
  • Students will get the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
  • Send a copy of the B-form along with your child for vaccination record entry.

HFS Management