INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92-317-4441155 | +92-21-35123214

Dated: Tuesday, August 31, 2021

CR# 04

29th August, 2021


The much-awaited time of physical school resumption has finally arrived for both the parents and students. Since the schools closed down unexpectedly and the online teaching initiated, all eagerly waited for the joyous news for the onsite school operations to begin. Educational technology became the buzzword and online digital tools created the virtual classroom set-ups. These all were customized to meet the curricular and co-curricular requirements.

In the forefront, HFS conducted this online school program smoothly and successfully. Now, we are ready to welcome the students back into the physical school set up in accordance with the Government SOPs. We are fully aware and supportive of the precautionary measures to be taken at the school and student level so that we are able to ensure a safe plus secure environment. Rest assured, we plan to set strict protocol as well as stringent follow-ups to nurture a healthy atmosphere where the students can come and learn at ease.

As per the Government notification, we will open the school on Monday 30th August, 2021. Student will come in groups.

Kindly find below the important school opening information:

Points to Note:

  • School timing is 8:00am – 1:40pm from Monday- Thursday & Saturday.
  • Online assignments and Classroom activity will continue simultaneously on need basis. Students need to come fully equipped with complete syllabi packs and study materials.
  • Students need to bring juices, dry snacks and sweets to upkeep their energy levels. They need to wear masks, carry hand sanitizers and wet wipes.
  • Students should come in their proper school uniforms. Facemasks are mandatory. Students are expected to carry an extra mask with them. Ideally, they should also carry a personal hand sanitizer and water bottle.
  • Both parents and all eligible members of the household should be vaccinated and send their vaccination certificates issued by the government.
  • Parents and students to maintain regular self-checks for symptoms of COVID, including body temperature checks. Students exhibiting symptoms of COVID should not be sent to school.
  • Student exhibiting any of the symptoms related to COVID in school, shall be immediately separated from the class and parents will be asked to pick the child immediately.
  • Maintain social distance wherever possible, especially when part of a larger crowd at pick up areas.
  • Students should be quarantined if they have lab-tested positive for COVID. Similarly, if anyone in their immediate family has tested positive and effective isolation is not possible, student should also be quarantined.
  • Along with all these precautions, we should recommend parents and students to regularly recite their Azkaar (supplications), every morning and evening.
  • Following the precautionary measures is a collective responsibility. You are urged to convey the same to your drivers and all those who visit the school campus.

It is vital for the students to be mentally, emotionally and physically prepared for the onsite school resumption after a prolonged gap so we need to ensure their well-being at our own ends too. May the back to school be blessed, blissful and bountiful in all ways. Aameen

Management – HFS

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