INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92-317-4441155 | +92-21-35123214
HFS - School Closure

Dated: Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Dear Parents & Students,

In the wake of the pandemic scenario, the Govt. has taken the inevitable decision to close down the educational institutions across the nation. As we comply with the official directives, HFS closes its onsite functionality and shifts to the online platforms. Though this year has been quite unpredictable yet HFS management and teachers have strived to tackle the curricular challenges along with a healthy mix of cocurricular activities. The school’s goals were aligned to attain student learning and targeted outcomes.

We welcome you all once again to our virtual learning setups, namely; Google Classrooms and Zoom Online sessions. The students are already familiar with these digital tools and have a ready-made bank of the IDS, passwords and their resources with them. This important information will also be circulated in the class WhatsApp groups by the respective teachers.

Hybrid Model

As usual, we plan to use a hybrid model for teaching and learning. Alongside the online classes, students up to a certain grade level will be facilitated with work packs which they need to collect and submit in school. The briefing and guidance of the assigned work will be given through the online classes. This information will be communicated later.

We strongly recommend you to make preparations for online classes with the availability of gadgets and stable internet connectivity. Students need to follow the net etiquettes and maintain seriousness in work completion. Attendance is mandatory and will be recorded. Time table and term-end schedule will be issued soon.

Kindly note the important dates:

  • Thursday, 26th November 2020 – School OFF for Students (including Hifz)
  • Monday, 30th November 2020 – Zoom Online Classes Commence

The following staff will be available in the office to facilitate you from Monday to Thursday and Saturday between 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Admin Office :021-35123007, 0317-4441155
Girls Campus : 021-35040993, 021-35123221
Boys Campus : 021-35123218, 021-35123219
Accounts Department : 021-35123007, 0317-3001122

We wish you a seamless virtual journey and productive term-end ahead inshallah.

Wa Salaam
Hira Foundation School