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Dated: Monday, August 26, 2019

Every year 14th August is celebrated passionately by Pakistanis all over the world as the Independence Day. This day commemorates the time when Pakistan attained independence and was declared a sovereign nation, followed the end of the British Raj in 1947.Today we remember and honor those who fought for this beloved country and pray for a brighter tomorrow and a thriving Pakistan.Hira Foundation School Junior Montessori also celebrated Independence Day with great zeal and joy on 7th August 2019. School was decorated with flags of Pakistan. Green and white balloons were hung up on the walls. Teachers and students were dressed up in green and white color. Students also enjoyed the day to the fullest. They proudly held small flags in their hands.Teachers and students sang national songs. Students did coloring in worksheets of Pakistani Flag. Teachers gave them badges of Pakistan as souvenirs. The day ended with the enthusiastic chants of “Pakistan Zindabad”.

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