" " International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest in Pakistan | Hira Foundation School
INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92 21-35040933 / 35123221 / 35123007

Dated: Tuesday, May 14, 2013

11th Moharram 1433 (7th December 2011)

[headline]Respected Parents, Assalamualaikum,[/headline]

The Contest “Math Kangaroo” originated in France in 1991 and quickly became very popular among students all over Europe. Several years later the International Association “Kangourou Sans Frontieres (KSF) ” was founded, which now organizes the world-wide event “International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest (IKMC)”. The contest’s main purpose is to promote mathematical thinking and stimulate an interest in math by providing students with an opportunity to compare their abilities against the abilities of other students from different countries around the world. The world “Kangaroo” center, which coordinates the competition in the various countries, was founded in 1994 in Paris. In Pakistan, the competition was first organized in 2005 by the Pakistan kangaroo Commission. To prepare your child for the final competition you can download the previous five years’ test papers by visiting the website www.kangaroo.edu.pk. However, teachers are always there to coach the students during school hours.


Registration includes a fee of Rs. 600.00 per student which covers the costs of organizing the contest.


All students from class III-VI are invited to participate in IKMC contest in Pakistan.
The competition has a form of a multiple choice test. (You may see past Kangaroo problems in the download section of this site).
At each level of participation the first prize is awarded at the country level to the students who earn the largest sum of points at their level. Likewise the first prize at district and school levels are also awarded. In addition to above, other prizes are also awarded at each level of participation.
All participating students receive a certificate.

