INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92 21-35040933 / 35123221 / 35123007

Dated: Monday, September 15, 2014

[headline]Dear parents,[/headline]

The month of September has been planned with exciting hands on activities. We are pleased to inform you about these activities and looking forward for your co-operation.

[notice title=”LANGUAGE”]

  • Knows relations (Father, Mother. Brother, Sister)
  • Name of Fruits
  • Name of Vegetables
  • Knows the value of Milk



  • Paging
  • Pouring beans


[notice title=”ART WORK”]

  • Hand printing
  • Brush painting
  • Thumb printing


[notice title=”CELEBRATIONS”]

  • Fruit day


[notice title=”SUNNAH PRACTICE”]

  • Dua’a before and after taking meal
  • Dua’a while starting any work
  • Dua’a before going outside


[notice title=”COURTESY WORDS”]

  • May
  • Please


[notice title=”Thought Provoking!”]

“We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn.” – Mary Catherine Bateson


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