INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92 21-35040933 / 35123221 / 35123007

Dated: Thursday, February 20, 2020

Girls Campus  CR # 62

Dear Parents,

Date: February 20, 2020

HFS values the bond of grandparents with their grand children for a happy family life. Hence, Hfs Preschool has organized a cherished event “My Loving Grandmother”. SL II students will spend this day with their grandmothers.

  • Date: 22nd February 2020
  • Timings: 11 am – 1 pm
  • Venue: Library
  • Day: Saturday
  • Bayan by Mufti Najeeb
  • Story telling session by a grand mother
  • Children activity


Either the maternal or paternal grandmother can come to attend the event.

Looking forward to your special presence.

HFS Management

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