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Dated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Girls Campus  CR # 68

Dear Parents,

Date: February 19, 2019

Hfs always places emphasis on student engagement with the real world and to promote the SDGs (Social Development Goals). These SDGs are vital in achieving global targets.

For information visit the Link:

Hence, students will engage in the following activities as PEACE AMBASSADORS which meets the SDG # 16 – Peace and Justice Strong Institutions.

Peace Ambassadors conveys the point that it’s crucial for each one of us to play a part in restoring peace in school and society.


Sub-Activity 1: 

Students research and identify acts/symbols of peace around the world. They depict these through artwork and create a peace wall. 

Sub-Activity 2: 

They will also write a peace pledge as to what part they can play in the promotion of peace among school children and nation as a whole. 

Sub-Activity 3:

Students will be given a forum to engage in public speaking and give presentations on the topic, Peace from Person to People to Planet. They will be given time to speak and present on that topic in which they will outline how peace can prevail with a single person, spreading to people and finally enveloping the whole planet. 

May we strive in making the world a better place through our actions!

HFS Management

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