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Dated: Monday, April 8, 2019



It was a really hot day.The sun was scorching and burning the skin. I could feel the rising temperatures.It was so agitating.My family and I were going on our summervacations trip the next day.Everyone was busy in packing the luggage like ants stacking their food for the winter.But, I was lying comfortably on my bed with my A.C on and deeply engrossed in my novel.Suddenly, a I heard a shout and I recognized it that it must be my younger brother’s voice.I saw him racing towards me out of breath. I was staring at him angrily as he had rudely disturbed an intersting scene.He cried out, “Hurry up! Mom is asking that have you packed all your belongings?”I replied disdainfully, “Hmmm, just go and leave the room.” “As you wish.Have you REALLY done it? Because I will not be responsible for any mishap, ok!” he remarked cautiously. My eyes pierced with anger and I scolded him, “I’ve told you once. Are you deaf?Just go away!”He retreated with a frown. I felt sorry and guilty for what I had done but I was so consumed by my book that I didn’t want someone to distract me at that time.After a while, my mother called me outside.I didn’t wanted to go but I had to so I rushed to listen to her. She asked me the same question which my brother had done.I said that Yessss!! I have done please let me go.After half an hour I heard my father’s voice calling me. He was saying ” Umamah!! get ready….. We are about to leave. Are you ready? Come out and place your baggage there.”He was pointing towards the front of the sofas.Then I left my book and started to get ready.I jumped out of my bed and went out of the room. To my amazement, everyone was ready and my father was reverring up the car.Then, I positioned my satchels and my suitcases in our lounge.Soon afterr,we left our home and arrived at the airport. When we had boarded, I was looking outside the window and enjoying the ambience. But, I had a nagging feeling deep down inside of me as if something was missing. But I didn’t know what. Then it struck me like thunderbolt that I had forgotten something important.It was my personal bag in which I kept my all important travel things!!! This made me mull over my careless negligence.

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