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فهذه نفثات صدر و عبرات عین و زفرات نفس و قطرات أفکار أهديها إلیکم أیها السامعون الکرام متحدثا حول هذا الموضوع

Dated: Thursday, August 1, 2019

بسم الله أبدأ، وعليه أتوکل، فهذه نفثات صدر و عبرات عین و زفرات نفس و قطرات أفکار أهديها إلیکم أیها السامعون الکرام متحدثا حول هذا الموضوع منهج المؤمن في الفتن فالفتن جمع فتنة، و هي الابتلاء والامتحان والاختبار للمکروه، ثم أطلقت علی کل مکروہ کالإثم، و الکفر، و القتل، والتحریق، و ما إلی ذالک من […]

Pakistan Day Celebration – Elementary

Grade 1 Pakistan Day was celebrated in high spirits on 21st March 2019 at Hira Foundation School, Girls Campus. Students were informed about the importance of Pakistan Resolution and its association with Minar-e-Pakistan, Lahore. The Day was celebrated with zeal and zest, in the memory to commemorate the event when the Muslim League drafted the […]

Assembly Presentation

Content Qirat by: Muhammad Huzaifa Assembly started with beautiful recitation of Surah Al-Kauser Naat by: Ebad ur Rehman Heart warming naat “Muhammad ka rauza qareeb araha he” Speech by: Syed Muhammad Umer Farooq Indispensable speech on “Water is a blessing”. Poem by: Muhammad Hasnain Muaviya Abdul Hadi Mansoori Abdul Hadi Noor Abdul Rafay Raheel Muhammad […]

Certain pointers to adhere to for Grades 1 & 2

Girls Campus   CR # 3 Dear Mothers, Date: July 25, 2019 A warm welcome to you all!  This is to intimate certain pointers to adhere to for Grades 1 & 2 in this new academic session 2019-20. 1) Lunch boxes with home made snacks and water bottles need to be sent as students will not be […]

Child’s status in Grades 2 Hifz and Non-Hifz

Girls Campus CR # 2 Dear Mothers, Date: July 23, 2019 This is to confirm your child’s status in Grades 2 Hifz and Non-Hifz sections. Student Name: Father Name: Grade: Kindly tick ✅ one of the sections below. Hifz sectionNon-Hifz section Note: Students (grade 1 & 2) will NOT be allowed to use the canteen so kindly […]

Grades 2 Hifz and Non-Hifz sections

Dated: Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Girls Campus   CR # 2 Dear Mothers, Date: July 23, 2019 This is to confirm your child’s status in Grades  2 Hifz and Non-Hifz sections.  Student Name: _______________ Father Name: _______________ Grade: ______________________ Kindly tick ✅ one of the sections below. Hifz section ◻ Non-Hifz section ◻ Note: Students (grade 1 & 2) will NOT be allowed […]

My Dream Destination

Dated: Monday, April 29, 2019

If I get a chance to travel abroad, my destination would be Italy. It has always been a tourists’ delight because of its attractions and tasteful Italian cuisine. It is the country of history and art which has amazing attractions. The first reason for visiting Italy is its culture and art. The Romans have a […]

JM, SL1 & SL2 will be OFF EARLY on Saturday, 27th April at 11:00am

Dated: Saturday, April 27, 2019

Girls Campus  CR # 90 Dear Parents, Date: April 25, 2019 This is to inform that JM, SL1 & SL2 will be OFF EARLY on Saturday, 27th April at 11:00am. Kindly have your child picked up on the the aforementioned timing. HFS Management

Hfs Carnival (Girls Campus)

Dated: Monday, April 8, 2019

Assalamualaikum This is to inform that Hfs Carnival (Girls Campus) is postponed and will be held on Saturday, 13th April. The timings are 9:00am – 3:00pm. Wassalam HFS Management