INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92-317-4441155 | +92-21-35123214

Dated: Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Girls Campus CR # 27

السلام عليكم

Dear Parents,

Date: December 24, 2022

Next Edge Contests have been developed by a team of well-experienced professionals from around the world and play a key role to motivate students to perform, excel, exhibit skills, and reveal personal aptitude. Digi Champ is an online Contest for students of all grades. Students will be given a task to complete online, according to their grades:

  • Grade 1 – 3: Designing a poster OR scenery (Using any painting software)
  • Grade 4 – 6: Creating Multimedia Presentation / Short Movie / Animated Story (Using any software)
  • Grade 7 – O level: Designing a Website / Blog / Vlog (Using any software)

Keeping in view their usefulness, “Digi Champ” by Next Edge is being organized in our school as per the following schedule:

Contest Date January, 28th 2023 Participation Fee Rs. 800 (1 – 6) / Rs. 1000 (7-10)
Registration Deadline January, 10th 2023 Eligibility Grade 1 –OIII

National, Provincial and School Toppers will be awarded various prizes like Tablets, Mystery Box, Stream Books, Smart Watches, Shields and Certificates. All participants will be awarded participation certificates. For further details such as for learning material, please visit

HFS Management